Criança a fazer experiências

Advantages of Soapy: the EcoX educational kit

Soapy is an educational kit that promotes the transformation of used cooking oil into detergents. Know its advantages for any child over 6 years of age.

Mão a apontar para o bolor, para retratar o tema de como limpar bolor nas casas

How to eliminate mold from our homes

Does mold often visit your home uninvited? In this article we will give you some tips on products to use to eliminate mold.
Máquina de lavar loiça, para retratar o tema de lavar a máquina da loiça

Tips for washing the dishwasher

We all agree that the dishwasher is a very useful appliance to have in our homes. It saves us time when cleaning other rooms in the house and, if we...
Roupa de bebé branca, para retratar o tema de usar branqueador da roupa

Clothes whitener: a sustainable measure

Faced with pollution and disposal of textiles, it is essential to be sustainable in washing of clothing and prolonging the wear time of each item. But how? You know everything here.
Casa de banho, para retratar o tema da limpeza da casa de banho

Cleaning the bathroom: what products to use?

The bathroom is one of the places in our home that we should be most careful about cleaning. Find out here which products you should use in each area of ​​your bathroom.

Pessoa a lavar as mãos, a fazer alguma espuma

Is foam a sign of cleanliness?

Do you know what happens to the foam when it goes into the sewers? And is the amount of foam in the wash equivalent to the removal of dirt? Find the answers here.
Frigideira em processo de fritura

Does the frying process affect the quality of the cooking oil?

Before we recycle used cooking oil, we use it to prepare food. And does the frying process affect its quality?
Tartaruga no oceano

How can an eco-friendly detergent protect the oceans?

We need detergents to keep our homes clean and we need cooking oil to prepare meals. But how can we avoid this pollution and continue using these two products?
Pessoa a despejar óleo alimentar usado através de um funil para uma garrafa

What to do with used cooking oil?

Because it is waste with so many impacts at various levels, it must be valued and, therefore, recycled. Know what to do with used cooking oil.
Pessoa a agarrar numa garrafa de óleo usado, no corredor de supermercado dos óleos alimentares usados

Used Cooking Oils: what happens to them in Portugal?

Used cooking oils are a product that is not lacking in a Portuguese kitchen, as they are part of the preparation of various meals. But do you know what happens to this waste after you discard it?
Óleo alimentar usado

Impact of used cooking oil: do you know what it is?

Cooking oils are used at home and in restaurants to prepare food. Once used, they must be recycled as they have negative impacts. Find out which ones here.
Pessoa a verificar produtos feitos a partir do óleo alimentar usado

Sustainability is achieved with green energy, augmented reality and waste from detergents

EcoX is a brand that transforms waste into detergents as a business model. Read the full news here.