Imagem para retratar o artigo de blog sobre como cuidar de animais de estimação

How to take care of pets: 5 tips

Knowing how to take care of your pets' hygiene is a big responsibility. Here are some tips and advice.

Como limpar com Bicarbonato de Sódio: 7 "receitas"

How to clean with baking soda: 7 "recipes"

Baking soda is versatile for cleaning the house. Learn how to clean with baking soda with simple “recipes” to put into practice.

Janelas com humidade para retratar o tema de "como eliminar humidade"

How to eliminate humidity at home: 5 tips

Excessive humidity is a problem that appears during cold and rainy days. Find out how to eliminate humidity and mold in your home.

Tambor com água para limpar a máquina de lavar roupa

How to clean the washing machine: tips

Do you want to know some tips to extend the life of your washing machine? Find out how it is possible.
Garrafa de óleo alimentar usado a verter o óleo para uma garrafa de detergente EcoX, que se transforma em detergente upcycling

Upcycling detergents: what does this concept mean?

Cleaning is present daily in each home. Do you know of upcycling detergents that reduce the impact of cleaning on several levels? Find out everything here.
Pessoa com nódoa na roupa colorida que tem vestida

Tips on how to remove stains from colored clothes

Stains or stains on your clothes? You can get rid of them easily. Here are some tips on how to remove stains from colored clothes.
Mão a segurar uma etiqueta de uma peça de roupa

How to read clothing care labels? The benefits of knowing the symbols before each wash

Washing symbols on clothes provide important information for proper care and washing. Find out how to read washing labels correctly.
EcoX valoriza mais de 6000L de óleo alimentar usado e evita a contaminação de mais de 4M de litros de água

EcoX values ​​more than 6000L of used cooking oil and prevents the contamination of more than 4M liters of water

"EcoX, the first brand worldwide to recycle waste, measured the impact of its activity on the planet throughout 2023." Read the full story.

Imagem do globo terrestre e bonecos em papel a darem as mãos, para retratar o tema da responsabilidade social

The importance of Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility is a current topic of attention. We uncover its importance and how it is related to sustainable development.
Zona de fogão de cozinha industrial

How to clean the kitchen? We give 5 suggestions!

Cleaning and sanitizing the kitchen is an increasingly important action. But how to clean the kitchen? What products should I use? We give 5 suggestions.

Zona de Energia eólica para retratar o tema da inovação

The importance of innovation

Innovation plays an important role in sustainable development. Know why and how EcoX Pro is part of the change.
Lavandaria com máquinas e cesto de roupa suja para destacar o tema do detergente de roupa para a área profissional

Laundry detergent for the professional sector: the advantages in washing

Are you looking for a laundry detergent for the professional sector ? Discover the advantages of the new Nature Clothing.