Gaveta da máquina e doseador a verter a quantidade de detergente para lavar roupa

How to calculate the amount of detergent for washing clothes?

Find out how you can calculate the amount of detergent to wash clothes with the EcoX digital dispenser. Free. You know everything here.
Caneca de chá que retrata o tema dos benefícios do chá

The 4 benefits of tea

Tea, in addition to awakening memories, can have benefits for our body, but do you know what they are? Find out which ones and see some tips on organic teas.
Círculo com os objetivos de desenvolvimento sustentável

Sustainable development goals: the impact of upcyling detergents

Sustainable development goals play a fundamental role in protecting society and the environment. Discover how detergents contribute to this positive impact.
Pessoa com nódoa na roupa colorida que tem vestida

Tips on how to remove stains from colored clothes

Stains or stains on your clothes? You can get rid of them easily. Here are some tips on how to remove stains from colored clothes.
Mão de senhora a limpar um móvel nas limpezas de outono

Autumn cleaning: the checklist with important tasks

With the arrival of a new season and the return to work and school routines, autumn cleaning also arrives. Discover some advice.
Senhora a selecionar roupa para lavar roupa a baixas temperaturas na máquina

Washing clothes at low temperatures: what are the advantages?

Do you know the advantages of washing clothes at low temperatures? If not, we advise you to read this article. Find out everything.
Rapaz e rapariga a saírem do mar com o seu fato neopreno e prancha de surf

How can you take care of your surf suits with neoprene detergent?

Is surfing your passion? Catch every wave with well-maintained equipment. Find out here how to care for and wash with neoprene detergent.
Imagem com abóboras e morcegos num halloween sustentável

How to celebrate a sustainable Halloween?

Do you usually celebrate Halloween with family and friends? This year do something different: discover some tips for a more sustainable Halloween.
Imagem de chapéu e folhas, numas férias ecológicas

6 essentials for your ecological vacation

Are you going on vacation but this year do you want to have an ecological vacation? Here are the 6 essentials so you can rest and protect the planet at the same time.

Vinagre de limpeza na bancada da cozinha

The benefits of cleaning with vinegar

When it comes to cleaning your home in a sustainable way, vinegar is the name of the game! Do you know the benefits of cleaning with vinegar? Come and find out.
Rapaz com mochila no regresso às aulas sustentável

4 tips for a sustainable return to school

Already looking forward to classes? May you have no shortage of tips for a sustainable return to school. You know everything here.
Livro e óculos para retratar o tema sobre livros de sustentabilidade

8 sustainability books to inspire you

Would you like to read and find out how you can be even more sustainable? Discover the 8 sustainability book suggestions we have prepared for you.