Programs designed with you in mind

Cleaning gives you discounts

EcoXpert: buy your detergents, earn points and exchange them for discounts.


1. Create your account

With email and password on the EcoX website.

100 points when creating an account

2. Make your purchase

Make a purchase or visit the website to earn more points.

4 points for every €1 on your order

10 points for visiting the website twice a week

3. Convert points into discounts

Check the points on the EcoXpert icon (bottom left corner).

When you exchange points, a discount code is generated for you to use at checkout (you can only exchange points when you have at least 500).

Save Reuse

Reuse packaging without leaving home

Re-EcoX: reuse packaging for free .


1. Prepare the packaging

Place them, preferably, in a single box.

2. Fill out the form

Select the option of home collection or delivery to a pickup point.

3. Print the label

Glue it to the box and proceed according to the option you chose.