If you live alone or with someone, there’s nothing better than a special program that’s closer to nature: how about a rural tourism program on New Year’s Eve?

7 places to go for rural tourism on New Year’s Eve

Still not sure what you're going to do on the night of December 31st? Don't you even know any ecological or rural tourism places for New Year's Eve? Find out in less than 2 minutes!

Herdade da Malhadinha Nova

Located in the Alentejo region, this is a space that allows you to have a unique New Year's Eve experience while feeling safe (it has the Clean and Safe certificate!).

In addition to this, it also has a clear concern with sustainability by practicing sustainable and extensive organic farming.

Hotel Quinta da Serra

If you live in Madeira you can also have a calm and safe environment for your New Year's Eve. Hotel Quinta da Serra has solar panels, a WWTP that allows wastewater to be used for irrigation and also has certified organic agricultural production, through which it uses products for cooking in the restaurant.

The international ecological label Green Key, which promotes Sustainable Tourism in Portugal, is part of the furniture in this hotel.

Figueirinha Ecotourism

Comfort, warmth and a return to simplicity is what you can find in this century-old house that is on its way to ensuring self-sustainability with investment in clean energy and permaculture.

The focus on slow food and regional products and fair trade and ethical tourism are also bets on this ecotourism site.

This “Oasis on the Alentejo Coast” is located in the Municipality of Odemira and gives you the possibility of doing environmentally friendly activities and glamping.

Quinta da Fornalha

Another area where you can do rural tourism on New Year's Eve is Quinta da Fornalha, located in Castro Marim. It is a space that aims to continue developing a sustainable economy based on available resources and respect for ecosystems and cultural traditions.

There are several hectares where you can find housing, organic products, aromatic herbs and much more.

Fonte Village

Again on an island, but this time in the Azores, in the hotel considered the 5th greenest in Portugal. It has several accommodations and highlights its concern for the environment and climate, having several actions that earned it the Green Key label.

Inspira Santa Marta Hotel

With the award for Best Eco/Green Luxury Hotel at the World Luxury Awards (2018 and 2019) in its home, it is a place that has a sustainability policy and an environment of harmony generated by the principles of Feng-Shui.

Every year the hotel, located in Lisbon, reduces its ecological footprint, for example by reducing the use of paper. It has several partnerships in terms of sustainability, social responsibility and sustainable development, 8 certificates and 14 awards!

Cerdeira – Home for creativity

This rural tourism space allows you to have a calm and peaceful New Year's Eve in the middle of nature inside schist houses rebuilt with stone, clay and native wood.

In the Lousã area you can find this project which, due to its concern with promoting responsible and sustainable tourism practices, has the Ecolabel and Green Key labels.

These are some of the many other suggestions for rural tourism in Portugal where you can spend your New Year's Eve. Do you already have an idea of ​​where you're going to spend yours?

Author: Daniela Matos