4 cleaning apps to help you every day
Do you live alone and don't know how to organize your cleaning? Do you have children and pets and need to double your daily tasks? Are you one of the people who can't see a less clean corner of the house?
We have prepared a list of cleaning apps to help you with this important task: taking care of your home.
Cleaning apps that help you take care of your home
Taking care of your home means taking care of your space and yourself. That's why, in addition to giving you ecological detergents, we also give you ideas for cleaning apps so you can make better use of your time. Shall we get to know them?
For the various tasks, a date and time.
Todoist is an app that allows you to create a list of tasks you need to do. So, it helps you to have a routine for whatever you need with the use of alerts!
It is available for Android and IOS.
Clean My House
With the Clean My House app, forgetting a task will be very difficult. This app helps you set your cleaning schedule and remembers what you have to do that day.
You can schedule single tasks or repeating tasks and organize them according to categories. Available for Android .
Tasks, lists, alerts, events: planning and organization is done with the Any.do app. The lists you create can also be shared to work together!
It's true to say that you can have everything in one app! Available for Android and IOS.
Cleaning Organizer
Another of the cleaning apps we bring you is Cleaning Organizer. With this helper you can organize household tasks in specific areas and on a weekly basis. All tasks are organized in order of time since they were last done.
Available for Android.
Did you already know some of these cleaning apps? Do you have anything different? Share with us.
Author: Daniela Matos