+CO3SO Interior Employment Project – TERRAS DE SICÓ
Project name: +CO3SO
Interior Employment – TERRAS DE SICÓ
Promoting entity: 514164450 Ecoxperience, Lda
Project number: 049265
Application: CENTRO-05-4740-FEDER-001203
Typology: +CO3SO
Interior Employment (GAL)
Main objective: Strengthen
Social and Territorial Cohesion (APPROASE and CONVERGE)
Intervention Region: Center
Lead Promoter: Ecoxperience, Lda
Submission date: 09/04/2020
Start date: 04/28/2021
Completion date: 12/31/2023
Competition: CENTRO-40-2020-28
Intermediate body: Lands
de Sicó – Development Association
Total Eligible Cost: 186,070.50 EUR
FSE installment: 158,159.93 EUR
Project description: The project aims to
reinforce the commercial and marketing team with a view to expanding EcoX in the
national and international market, involving an investment project and
net job creation.
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